Publications on H-continuous functions

B Sendov, Segment Arithmetic and Segment Limit, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci.(30)(7)(1977), 955-958

B Sendov, Segment Derivatives and Taylor's Formula, C. r. Acad. Bulgare Sci.(30)(8)(1977), 1093-1096

B Sendov, Some Topics of Segment Analysis, in: Interval Mathematics, Acad. Press, (1977), 203-222

B Sendov, Hausdorff approximations, Publ. BAS, Sofia, 1979 (in Russian), Springer, (1990) (in English)

R Anguelov, Rational Extensions of C(x) via Hausdorff Continuous Functions, Thai Journal of Mathematics, (5)(2)(2007),  261-272

R Anguelov, Algebraic Computations with Hausdorff Continuous Functions, Serdica Journal of Computing, (1)(4)(2007), 443-454

R Anguelov, S Markov and B Sendov, The Set of Hausdorff Continuous Functions – the Largest Linear Space of Interval Functions, Reliable Computing, (12)(2006), 337-363

R Anguelov, J H van der Walt, Order Convergence Structure on C(X), Quaestiones Mathematicae, (28)(4)(2005),  425-457

R Anguelov, Dedekind order completion of C(X) by Hausdorff continuous functions, Quaestiones Mathematicae, (27)( 2004),  153-170